Further to Minister Champagne’s announcement in February 2020 of the new Canada–CARICOM Skills Training for the Green Economy Scholarships program, Global Affairs Canada has introduced a new short-term exchange opportunity in Canada for students from the Caribbean Community member states, who pursue certificates, diplomas and associate degrees in disciplines related to climate change and resilience building.
The Canada-CARICOM Skills Training for the Green Economy Scholarships program is facilitated through institutional collaborations and student exchange agreements between publicly funded Canadian colleges and institutes and post-secondary institutions across the CARICOM offering technical or vocational education and training (TVET).
Interested candidates should contact their home institution’s international office about existing partnerships or student exchange agreements with Canadian colleges and institutes, which would enable their participation in the program.
For information about the new scholarships program visit: Canada-CARICOM Skills Training for the Green Economy Scholarships Program.
Source: https://www.educanada.ca/scholarships-bourses/news-nouvelles/2020/2020-10-15.aspx?lang=eng