National Focal Institutions


Map of the CARICOM Region

The institutional set-up of the CCREEE reflects the principles of maximising impact, avoiding duplication of efforts and, the strengthening and up-scaling of already existing local capacities.  The CCREEE’s National Focal Institutions (NFIs) are therefore the Centre’s key points of contact and collaboration within the CARICOM Member States the CCREEE serves. The CCREEE’s NFIs were nominated during the start-up phase of the Centre and are in many instances Ministries of Energy within CARICOM Member States. The CCREEE provides capacity building programmes for the staff of NFIs, along with additional technical support and NFIs are represented on the CCREEE Executive Board, on a rotational basis.

NFIs are also responsible for:

– participating actively in the identification, appraisal, implementation and monitoring of projects and activities of the CCREEE;
– providing data and information on the national RE & EE sector;
– coordinating Centre activities in their countries.