My CCREEE Internship Experience

By Rozzaria Williams, Turks and Caicos Islands
My name is Rozzaria Williams, and I am representing the Turks and Caicos Islands as an intern for the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE) Energy Report Card 2023. The experience was not only challenging because it related to gathering information but also rewarding because I learned more about the Turks and Caicos Islands’ energy sector and the plans to be set in place. I was also allowed to work remotely for the first time in a flexible, comfortable environment.
I decided to apply for the internship after a former lecturer told me about it. The internship relates to the renewable energy industry, which I am familiar with because of a sustainable development project that I previously completed. Even though I am studying business, I am excited about the opportunity to learn more about the energy sector through the internship.
There are a lot of opportunities for the development of the energy sector in the Turks and Caicos Islands archipelago energy and the government is making progress by working on implementing new strategies for the betterment of the energy sector. I am therefore excited to see what the Turks and Caicos Islands government has in store for improving the archipelago’s renewable and sustainable energy industry.
The CCREEE internship is a great way for individuals who are interested in the energy field to learn more about their country’s energy system, interact with others and expand their knowledge by conducting research and engaging with relevant stakeholders. It was an honour to be part of the 2023 internship programme, and I am thankful for this learning experience.
During my recent internship I learned that obtaining information can be a challenge, whether through online research or outsourcing. It can be a time-consuming process, but I have improved my time management skills and patience as a result. In the past, I attempted everything on my own, but I now understand that I cannot do so. I am grateful for my supervisors’ guidance and the information they have provided me along the way.
I had a great time connecting with people from different Caribbean countries during my experience, especially those from countries I hope to visit someday. My advice to anyone who is hesitant about trying new things is to just go for it and give it your all. You never know what you might learn or gain from the experience.