Generation Expansion Centre - CCREEE

Generation Expansion Centre

One of the strategic goals of the CCREEE is to contribute to increased resilience in CARICOM Member States. Supporting the attainment of this goal, is one of the Centre’s flagship programmes: Integrated Resource and Resilience Plans (IRRPs) through the support of the Generation Expansion Unit.

The IRRP is envisioned as a comprehensive plan, which has at its core the traditional IRP, but also considers a climate, hazard and vulnerability and hazards assessments in its analysis. The IRRP development process will provide opportunities for Member States to improve their energy security; build and maintain a robust electricity system that can withstand, respond and adapt to external shocks; improve system reliability and diversify their resource mix while at the same time promoting clean economic growth and lessening dependence on imported petroleum fuels. The Generation Expansion Unit will also work along with the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Units within the CCREEE, to accomplish the Centre’s strategic objectives.

Mr. Jean-Michel Parle

Mr. Jean-Michel Parle

Lead on generation expansion planning

Mr. Jean-Michel Parle is the lead on generation expansion planning within CCREEE. In this role, he coordinates with IRP consultants, the CARICOM Energy Unit, development and regional partners and CARICOM Member States for development and project management of IRRPs in fulfilment of States’ energy planning objectives.

Mr. Parle is a trained mechanical engineer with over 8 years of experience in planning and project development at a regional vertically integrated electric utility.

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